More than just a another company.
Overwatch TN Security is led by retired Law Enforcement Officers and is one of the most sought after private officer providers in our market. In addition to schools, we work private companies government agencies, and their contractors.

School Services
It is so much more simple to have one company, that can cover all of you security needs, as opposed to having several different companies trying to coordinate their services. We offer full security management or we can just take over the areas that are a struggle for your staff to keep up with.
Security Assessments
Our complete security assessments result in an in-depth report and recommendations keeping your budget in mind and keeping you current on government requirements
CCTV and Monitoring
Closed circuit television is an integral part of todays overall security envelope. Based on your assessment we can design and implement the system that best fits your needs
School Officers
All of our school officers have governmental law enforcement experience and have the special temperament needed to navigate the relationships between students and faculty
Security Alarms
Alarms systems can be integrated with daily activity and not just used for times that no one is around. They can alert staff of others in the vicinity and can alert authorities in seconds
Personnel Training
Faculty needs to be trained on the latest self defense and evasion tactics for when sheltering is not an option. Feeling confident in stressful situations only comes from training.
Access Control
Proper access control can restrict access to areas of your campus to only those that should be in specific areas and at specific times. It can also be a tool for locking down if needed
Additional Officer Services
Special Events
Special events is where it all began for Overwatch TN Security. We employ hundreds of officers experienced in event management and crowd control.
Traffic Control
Whenever you are having events for the general public, traffic can get a little intense. We have officers available as well as any signage and barricades you will need to maintain order.
Fire Watch
There are times where you may need officers for around the clock attention or for areas that inherently lack in security such as construction project or power outages. We can help.
Contact us Now!
Contact us now!
Schedule an appointment for us to visit your facility and determine what's required to conduct an assessment of your current needs and to put you on track to become compliant